If a single selection is made, a Tech-Priest Engineer must accompany the selected unit if not already part of the unit. How to use this list: 1) One selection from the list can be chosen as an Elite selection for any Imperial Guard or Space Marine army.

The Cult Mechanicus guards its secrets carefully, and none but the dreaded Inquisition dare question them. They sometimes also accompany other forces of the Imperium when it suits their own inscrutable purposes. In these missions they often encounter hostile forces (usually determined not to give up such items!), and thus they are accompanied by their own combat forces. Here the Tech-Priests are in search of lost relics from the Dark Age of Technology, such as Standard Template Construct (STC) systems. As such, it is a much lighter force than the full might of the Adeptus Mechanicus would normally use in combat, but is more suited to the Exploratory nature of the force. Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus The Cult of the Machine God Introduction This army list represents an Adeptus Mechanicus Questing or Exploratory army, not a full-blown army such as would be fielded along the lines of their Epic 40K list.